Friday 19 October 2012

Back from our travels

We are back from our travels, it's been a bit of an extended summer. We spent several amazing weeks cruising around the UK visiting friends and taking a much needed break. This was our home. It seems we have become hippies with our newly painted orange van and bell tent.

I have to say I could live in it for a while.

After meeting up with old friends we travelled on to South Devon, Sam's family has a place by the coast which they very kindly allow us to use in the late summer. We spent what felt like a month there, enjoying the beach and introducing Isla to the wonders of swimming in the sea. Since getting home work has been frantic. I was guest curator for the 2012 GNCCF - I had so much fun!! Thank you all those who contributed to making it such an amazing event. Images to follow shortly.

Here are a few snaps from our break over the summer. Now its getting colder and the nights a little darker .. I love this time of year. xxx

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