Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Taking a break

We are taking a little break at the moment. We are moving house, in a rather complicated and protracted manner, so blogging and my shop are on hold whilst I deal with day to day things :)

Be back soon :)

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Every time I take part in an event for makers I learn something new and valuable. Most of the time I find craft and makers markets are about much more than selling - which is a bloody good job since I didn't sell a thing at the last event I went too.

On the 6th April I took part in the Reetsweet Makers Market in Leeds Corn Exchange. I began the day with high hopes for sales, this was my first event in a major city and I was convinced a city audience would be interested in my work. They were very interested, I had a lot of great comments and handed out all of my business cards, but no one was buying anything. It seems that I wasn't alone but even so it was quite disheartening. On reflection I gained a lot more than a few quid in sales, much of what I gained is unquantifiable but the experience has certainly made me think about the purpose of attending these events and how I can prepare appropriately in the future.

I met some fabulous makers at the Reetsweet Makers Market, Lou and Roddy from Pinegrove Leather kept me sane most of the day, if you haven't seen their work before make sure you check out their website .. their things are beyond beautiful. Good luck with your GNCCF application guys. I also met Lois from Punto Belle, such an inspiring lady ... I really loved her approach to scavenging and collecting bits and pieces to make her bags.

Meeting new makers, sharing knowledge, and having the opportunity to speak face to face with customers is so valuable, and for me the most enjoyable part of attending these events. Looking back at the images of my stall I think there are changes I need to make, and I think I will be approaching my work slightly differently from now on.

Over the next few month I am quite busy, as a result I am being more cautious and realistic about how much I can take on. For a start we are selling our house, a lot of my time is spent keeping it tidy for the waves of interested viewers. I am organising The Handmade & Vintage SUMMER Market which will take place on Sat 22 June at The Storey in Lancaster and I have a few exhibitions locally later in the year: 'Mum's that Make' in May, a show of Multiples in June and a winter exhibition in December/ January. I also secured a stockist when I attended the Reetsweet Makers Market so I have a few bits and pieces to get together for them - all this on top of being a full time Mummy.

My aim is to make some beautiful new things for each of the exhibitions above and concentrate on a cohesive collection of new work for next year. I feel like this is realistic and achievable. I am quite literally going back to the drawing board which if I am honest is where I feel most comfortable.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Doll sale

I have a little doll sale going on over Easter in my Etsy shop... it is a great chance to pick up one of these hand made lovelies for less than half price.

On Saturday the 6th April I will be taking part in the Reetsweet makers fair in the Leeds Corn Exchange. The sale will continue there alongside the launch of my new British Predator range. If you are in the area come along and check it out, it's a great event with lots of lovely makers. I will make sure I take lots of photos and post here.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


I love this ladies work .. what could be better than shoes and Kawaii!!

When I was younger I read a lot of graphic novels and almost convinced myself I was Japanese (this is a bit of an exaggeration but my fascination was verging on weird). One of my favourite comics was Urusei Yatsura so much so that smallest Jones has taken her name from one of the characters. Just for info there is also a great band with the same name...

Chantel from Pony Chops seems to like Kawaii characters, and fashion as much as me, and she has brilliantly combined the two. I met Chantel at last years Handmade & Vintage Festive Market in Lancaster .. her stall was beautiful and really refreshing. Take a look at her shoes, she has an online shop here and a fabulous blog here ...

Some other Kawaii thing here on Etsy .. a soot sprite brooch by Jasmin Bauer, owner of A couple of smiles. I am totally into shrink plastic at the moment .. I have just uploaded a few of my own brooches to the shop.

Completely not Kawaii in anyway but would go fabulously with a pair of Pony Chops hand painted shoes .. great outfit from Cos below.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Much happier trees

I am much happier with these.... its amazing what difference a bit of sleep can make :)

Monday, 4 March 2013

Pondering patterns

Hummmm I am struggling a little with the colours for this pattern?? Any comments much appreciated.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Clouds with legs

I have a day at the desk today, not very inspiring - but productive. Several exhibition proposals have been sent off, I have completed my accounts which have needed desperate attention since before Christmas, and I am now sitting down with a brew and my thinking cap.

These are some designs I have been working on lately for brooches and a fabric block print. I am taking part in the Reetsweet craft fair in April, I would quite like to have some of the patterns I have drafted for children's clothing made up and ready for sale. They will be printed with something a little different to the trees below but only slightly with some more texture and pattern.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Blogging gets serious

Hello friends :)

I have been thinking a little bit recently about my blog and that I might add a little bit of structure to when and how I post. I am going to test this for a little while by posting each Tuesday and Thursday morning and including a Thursday feature about an artist or maker or generally interesting person I have come across recently.

February has been a little odd at Jones basecamp, change is in the air and I feel some routine might help keep me sane.

Thursday, 31 January 2013


Like most people I am completely entranced by Narwhal, they seem like such mythical creatures ... Smallest has a fabulous magnetic animal book, you can imagine how pleased I was when I saw the Narwhal was included in the set!!!

Smallest on the other hand is not quite sure what to make of it so I have been searching for a little something to nurture her love of Narwhal ... I found these lovely things here and here ...

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The shop is open

The Smallest shop is now open for business on Etsy. My website should be following shortly.

Exciting times.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Snow day

Back home now with hot chocolates and the last of the soot sprite cake pops. I could have done with these great boots by Finnish design house Company....

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Soot sprite cake pops

The cake pops are finished... I am so pleased. It's smallest's party tomorrow, I mastered the art of cake popping just in time.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Cake pop success

Its smallest's second birthday today. Whilst she snoozes I have been attempting to make some 'cake pops' as a surprise. Mary Berry has let me down, her chocolate sponge mix was too fluffy and wouldn't stand up to the demands of a cake pop - so I have gone for something altogether more American....

Here is my successful test pop - the beginnings of a soot sprite... the batch is now baking and I have my fingers tightly crossed that a further 12 will emerge.

Time for a break and to make the most of the cake pop grave yard.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Nippy & blue

OOOoooooo it's nippy out there at the moment, I really love it when it's cold so I am happy but my feet aren't. Sam swears by wool socks and I found these posted by the inspirational Elisabeth over at Fine Little Day

They do some beautiful kiddies socks too.

Its smallest's birthday on Friday so maybe she will be getting some of these? I am planning cake pops too, I wonder if I will manage anything as good as these?

I am back to work with a new found spirit this week, my head is a little fuggy but I am determined to succeed. I started the week very badly, after a day of sulking it has spurred me on. Tomorrow is the final photo shoot for my new products. We started on Tuesday with some test shots. Here are some of the results .. a bit under exposed I think and I am not too sure about the effect we used but that is ok, it is a new camera after all and I need to make friends with it. Tomorrow we are taking the final shots.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Winter coat

Here is the coat that was keeping me warm yesterday. I have a presentation to write today, I am a little stuck for ideas so am off out in my coat again for a walk and hopefully some inspiration.

I shall be taking my new camera.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Fog falls

The fog has fallen on Lancaster today. Smallest and I have been enjoying the cold weather wrapped up in our new winter coats. Thank you St Nic xx

To get as high as possible into the fog we popped up to the Ashton Memorial - u can get married in there. What a great day to get married in the fog, I would like that :)